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Université de Bordeaux
Cluster SysNumCluster of Excellence
Cluster of excellence

Programme Workshop Smart Campus 2019 - lundi 8 juillet 9h -17, IMS bât A31 TalenceCluster SysNum

8:45 – 9:00 ACCUEIL 9:00 – 10:30 SESSION 1 - SYSTEMES IOT Sustainable Smart City Network Fabric - K im N g uyen , ETS M o ntr é al IoT for Smart Services : Application to Energy Microgrids for Buildings - Guillaum e T errasson , ESTI A R echerche Du capteur à l'usage pour le bâtiment intelligent - Rehda K assi , IR C I C A Univ e rsit é de L ille 10:30 – 10:45 PAUSE CAFE 10:45 – 12:30 SESSION 2...

NewsTuesday 18 June 2019 by BERNI Emanuela.
Seminar Franck Cappello from Argonne National Laboratory - June 26th - 9h45 Amphithéâtre Leyteire Campus Victoire, BordeauxCluster SysNumle Wednesday 26 June 2019 to 09h45

On the occasion of the 14th Scheduling for Large Scale Systems Workshop we are honoured to annonce the seminar of Franck Cappello from Argonne National Laboratory HPC-BigData Convergence: What to do when scientific data becomes too big? June 26th - 9h45 Amphithéâtre Leyteire Campus Victoire, Bordeaux Biography Franck Cappello received his Ph.D. from the University of Paris XI in 1994 and...

NewsThursday 30 May 2019 by BERNI Emanuela.
Seminar Pr. Raouf Boutaba University of Waterloo, Canada - The “Cloud” to “Things” Continuum - June 13h - 13h30 Amphithéâtre LaBRICluster SysNumle Thursday 13 June 2019

We are honoured to annonce the seminar of Pr Raouf Boutaba University of Waterloo, Ontario, Canada) The “Cloud” to “Things” Continuum Thursday June 13th at 13h30 Amphithéâtre LaBRI, Bâtiment A30 Biography: Pr Raouf Boutaba is a University Chair Professor of Computer Science and Associate Dean Research of the faculty of Mathematics at the University of Waterloo. He is a visiting scholar under a...

NewsThursday 30 May 2019 by BERNI Emanuela. Last update Thursday 30 May 2019
2th Conférence Hywec : The Hydrodynamics of Wave Energy Convertors - June 18-20th 2019 -IMBCluster SysNumfrom Tuesday 18 June 2019 to Thursday 20 June 2019

This conference addresses the modelling, mathematical analysis and numerical simulation of wave energy convertors and more broadly to wave-structure interactions. It is organized in the framework of the work packages 3 and 5 of the Excellence Cluster Sysnum as one of two twin events devoted to marine renewable energies organized in Bilbao (the VI Marine Energy Conference , June 25th) and...

NewsThursday 30 May 2019 by BERNI Emanuela.
Workshop Smart Campus : Du capteur à la décision, tendances et challenges des systèmes IoTCluster SysNumle Monday 08 July 2019 from 09h to 17h

La deuxième Edition du Workshop Smart Campus du Cluster d’Excellence SysNum aura lieu le 8 juillet 2019 de 9h à 17h au laboratoire de l'Intégration du Matériau au Système (IMS). L'objectif du workshop est de dresser une vue d'ensemble des verrous technologiques de la chaîne de valeur à superposer sur le campus pour le rendre intelligent : celle allant du capteur à la décision. Les sujets abordés lors du workshop vont par conséquent couvrir un spectre assez large. L'originalité de ce workshop est son côté pluridisciplinaire autour d'une problématique commune celle de rendre intelligent un campus Universitaire. 08:45 – 09:00 Accueil 09:00 – 10:30 Session 1 - SYSTEMES IOT 10:30 – 10:45 Pause Café 10:45 – 12:30 Session 2- COLLECTE DES DONNÉES 12:30 – 13:30 Pause Déjeuner 13:30 – 15:30 Session 3 - TRAITEMENT ET ANALYSE DES DONNÉES 15:30 – 15:45 Pause Café 15:45 – 17:15 Session 4 - VIRTUALISATION Programme détaillé Présentations d'invités 1/ Sustainable Smart City Network Fabric - ETS Montréal 2/ Une meilleure expérience utilisateur pour les villes avec l'IA - Qucit 3/ Collaborative design tools for Smart Campus - Hiventive 4/ Beyond LoRa and NB-IoT: Proposals for Future LPWA Systems - IETR Rennes 5/ Scalability of deployed LoRa networks - Laboratoire LIUPPA Université de Pau 6/ IoT for Smart Services: Application to Energy Microgrids for Buildings - ESTIA Recherhce Contacts: Guillaume Ferré et Marwane Rezzouki Inscription gratuite mais obligatoire avant le 28 juin 2019 via le formulaire ci-dessous .

NewsWednesday 29 May 2019 by CHOISI Mickael.
LaBRI "PhD Open" : "Verification of Distributed Algorithms" by Pr. Javier Esparza - April 18th and 19th 2019 - Amphithéâtre LaBRI Bât. A30Cluster SysNumfrom Thursday 18 April 2019 to Friday 19 April 2019

"PhD Open" offers us the opportunity to attend the course: " Verification of Distributed Algorithms " Pr. Javier Esparza, Technische Universität München April 18th and 19th 2019 - Amphithéâtre LaBRI Bât. A30 More details: https://nathanael-fijalkow.github.io/?page=phdopen "PhD Open" Open lectures for PhD students in computer science, organized at LaBRI, is a project which aims at offering...

NewsMonday 15 April 2019 by BERNI Emanuela.