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Université de Bordeaux
Cluster SysNumCluster of Excellence
Cluster of excellence

Executive Board

The Executive Board (EB) is composed of SysNum director and the directors of the four participating research units. Three representatives of Inria Bordeaux-Sud-Ouest, of INRA Nouvelle Aquitaien Bordeuax and of CEA Cesta are periodically invited to participate in EB meetings. Its members act to define the development strategy and the collaborative actions and to achieve the effective management, coordination and supervision of SysNum.

Executive Board members

SysNum Director Marius Tucsnak
I2M Director Jean-Christophe Batsale
IMB Director Marc ARNAUDON
IMS Director Yann DEVAL
LaBRI Director Jean-Philippe DOMENGER
Invited members  
Cea - Cesta Jean-Pierre GIANNINI
Inra - Centre Nouvelle Aquitaine Bordeaux Hubert DE ROCHAMBEAU
Inria -SudOuest Andreas ENGE