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Université de Bordeaux
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Meghyn Bienvenu HDR Defense - December 9th 2019 - 14h Amphitheatre LaBRI Bât A30

le Monday 09 December 2019 to 14h
Last update Thursday 21 November 2019

Meghyn Bienvenu, CNRS researcher at LaBRI, defends her HDR
on Monday 9th December at 14h in the amphitheatre
with the presentation entitled  
"Ontology-Mediated Query Answering: Exploiting Knowledge to Get More From Data",
which will provide an overview of her research on using structured knowledge provided by ontologies and logical reasoning to improve data access. 

She is also organizing a "Mini-Workshop on Reasoning on Data" the morning of her HDR defense (Monday, December 9th salle 178 at LaBRI), with talks from her three thesis reviewers.


- Maurizio Lenzerini, Professor, Sapienza Università di Roma, Reviewer
- Anca Muscholl, Professor, Université de Bordeaux, Examiner
- Marie-Laure Mugnier, Professor, Université de Montpellier
- Marie-Christine Rousset, Professor, Université de Grenoble, Examiner
- Ulrike Sattler, Professor, University of Manchester, Reviewer
- Laurent Simon, Professor, Bordeaux INP, Examiner- Jef Wijsen, Professor, Université de Mons, Reviewer

Contact: Meghyn Bienvenu

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